Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tiny Tidbits

I just received an inspirational, but pain filled email from someone who has perceived that it is time to change. Wait a sec . . . let me rephrase that. I just received an inspirational, but pain filled email from someone who has perceived it is time to change, and is asking for support as she takes an action step on this journey of lifestyle change. I think about this often. What makes someone perceive that something has become painful enough, that they must make a change? I felt that way on my couch when my mom handed me a picture of my nephew and me, and I almost fell off the couch. I truly saw (perceived) myself exactly where I was. A woman who was well over 400 pounds and desperate to change.
(NOTE: Not who I was. . .but where I was)

What then, makes that same person make a decision to act on that perception? In other words, putting the rubber to the road on lifestyle change. There are so, so many ways to put the rubber to the road on this journey if change. What do you think "putting the rubber to the road" means in regards to lifestyle change for you? In what ways have you begun to put the rubber to the road? Do you think it is always related to fitness or food choices?

Thank you all for your faithfulness in reading the blog and especially for sharing your lives and experiences in the comments that you leave. I have had more positive responses about the comments that are left than even the blog itself! Have a wonderful weekend and remember one thing. . . y'all are the smartest people I know!!!


Yarbster said...

"...and is asking for support as she takes an action step on this journey of lifestyle change." This part of the blog is so key - I can't imagine ever getting started on this journey without this SUPPORT. Yes, we have to be the ones to take that action step, but to be able to do it with such valuable support as H.O.P.E. offers is invaluable! I encourage everyone in the group to continue reaching out to another who needs such support so desperately. H.O.P.E. literally saved my life, and I'm now living and not just existing, but could not have done it without first and foremost God and secondly His tool of H.O.P.E., Julie, Cathy, and other wonderful friends and encouragers within the group. Praise God! Yarbster

kindra said...

This is a great reminder to make sure I don't go all the way back to that very painful time where I was so desperate to change that I was working at my journey of healthy lifestyle change. I've begun to coast a little because I've moved forward and find myself taking for granted that I've made some progress. It's not just about the weight loss (but that certainly is an encouraging result), it's about knowing that if I'm not on the journey of health then I quickly go back to the misery of unhealthy living and it affects my entire life in every way! I must remember to work daily at the rubber meeting the road and continue to work at the tools HOPE has given me to stay on the journey and not retreat. They are NEW ways of living for me and still don't come naturally. Yes, I've lost a little weight and yes, I've changed some behaviors, but I need to remain conscious each day and apply the tools as it would be more natural for me to act in unhealthy ways and get off the healthy journey. I want to remain eager to RELEARN how to live and teachable to keep relearning. It takes choices, decisions and work to stay on this unnatural path of healthy lifestyle change! I need to work at it one day at a time, each day, to live a lifetime of health...The only way to do that is to remain focused on taking healthy steps of action each and every day...

Frances said...

The SUPPORT thing has always been a sticking point for me in lifestye change. I never thought myself worthy of other people's time or effort (or is it that isolating myself just felt more comfortable, or is it that I would not humble myself to ask for help?) Thank you, all you wonderful ladies of H.O.P.E. (and men!) for giving me the security, for allowing me to be less than perfect, for teaching me that supporting one another is natural in God's world.