Monday, December 13, 2010

OK, so I fell out of the habit of blogging every week, and the next thing you know it's been a month!  I'm back!  First, I would like to invite all H.O.P.E. participants who can stay after group tomorrow and join us for lunch, please plan to do so.  We will not meet again until next year! 

I would like to spend this time expressing my gratitude for the H.O.P.E. program participants who so courageously and openly share themselves, week after week, accomplishing the work of lifestyle change.  I am so proud of each and every one of you, and commend you for your honesty, committment, perseverence and love and respect for each other.  I learn from you every week.  You inspire me to keep putting one foot in front of the other when I am struggling.  You come to group not only to receive, but to give all that you have.  Yourselves.  Thank you.  You ARE the H.O.P.E. program and all that it entails.  You are the best, the brightest, the hardest working, the most beautiful and the joy of my heart. 

To the smartest people I know, may the joy of Jesus, the Christ, invade your hearts this season, and may you experience personally, a life changing relationship with the One who would come as a little baby on a cold morning in a country far away to bring HOPE to a dark world.  God bless you all and Merry Christmas.